vector table generation for ATDF (#74)

Matt Knight 2 years ago committed by Matt Knight
parent efeba02119
commit 43ee9c8af0

@ -54,9 +54,6 @@ instances: struct {
peripherals: ArrayHashMap(EntityId, EntityId) = .{},
} = .{},
// to speed up lookups
indexes: struct {} = .{},
const std = @import("std");
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const ArenaAllocator = std.heap.ArenaAllocator;
@ -71,16 +68,109 @@ const dslite = @import("dslite.zig");
const gen = @import("gen.zig");
const regzon = @import("regzon.zig");
const TypeOfField = @import("testing.zig").TypeOfField;
const Database = @This();
const log = std.log.scoped(.database);
const TypeOfField = @import("testing.zig").TypeOfField;
pub const EntityId = u32;
pub const EntitySet = ArrayHashMap(EntityId, void);
// not sure how to communicate the *_once values in generated code besides
// adding it to documentation comments
// concrete arch's that we support in codegen, for stuff like interrupt
// table generation
pub const Arch = enum {
// arm
sc000, // kindof like an m3
// old
// avr
// mips
pub fn toString(arch: Arch) []const u8 {
return inline for (@typeInfo(Arch).Enum.fields) |field| {
if (@field(Arch, == arch)
} else unreachable;
pub fn isArm(arch: Arch) bool {
return switch (arch) {
.sc000, // kindof like an m3
=> true,
else => false,
pub fn isAvr(arch: Arch) bool {
return switch (arch) {
=> true,
else => false,
// not sure how to communicate the *_once values in generated code
// besides adding it to documentation comments
pub const Access = enum {
@ -90,6 +180,7 @@ pub const Access = enum {
pub const Device = struct {
arch: Arch,
properties: std.StringHashMapUnmanaged([]const u8) = .{},
pub fn deinit(self: *Device, gpa: Allocator) void {
@ -151,10 +242,6 @@ pub fn deinit(db: *Database) void {
deinitMapAndValues(db.gpa, &db.instances.devices);
// indexes
@ -246,13 +333,17 @@ pub fn createDevice(
opts: struct {
// required for now
name: []const u8,
arch: Arch = .unknown,
) !EntityId {
const id = db.createEntity();
errdefer db.destroyEntity(id);
log.debug("{}: creating device", .{id});
try db.instances.devices.put(db.gpa, id, .{});
try db.instances.devices.put(db.gpa, id, .{
.arch = opts.arch,
try db.addName(id,;
return id;
@ -478,6 +569,27 @@ pub fn createEnumField(
return id;
pub fn createInterrupt(db: *Database, device_id: EntityId, opts: struct {
name: []const u8,
index: i32,
description: ?[]const u8 = null,
}) !EntityId {
assert(db.entityIs("instance.device", device_id));
const id = db.createEntity();
errdefer db.destroyEntity(id);
log.debug("{}: creating interrupt", .{id});
try db.instances.interrupts.put(db.gpa, id, opts.index);
try db.addName(id,;
if (opts.description) |d|
try db.addDescription(id, d);
try db.addChild("instance.interrupt", device_id, id);
return id;
pub fn addName(db: *Database, id: EntityId, name: []const u8) !void {
if (name.len == 0)
@ -620,7 +732,6 @@ pub fn getEntityIdByName(
return while ( |entry| {
const entry_id = entry.key_ptr.*;
const entry_name = orelse continue;
log.debug("looking at name: {s}", .{entry_name});
if (std.mem.eql(u8, name, entry_name)) {
assert(db.entityIs(entity_location, entry_id));
return entry_id;
@ -712,8 +823,9 @@ pub fn toZig(db: Database, out_writer: anytype) !void {
test "all" {

@ -10,22 +10,46 @@ const xml = @import("xml.zig");
const log = std.log.scoped(.atdf);
const InterruptGroupEntry = struct {
name: []const u8,
index: i32,
description: ?[]const u8,
const Context = struct {
db: *Database,
interrupt_groups: std.StringHashMapUnmanaged(std.ArrayListUnmanaged(InterruptGroupEntry)) = .{},
fn deinit(ctx: *Context) void {
var it = ctx.interrupt_groups.iterator();
while ( |entry|
// TODO: scratchpad datastructure for temporary string based relationships,
// then stitch it all together in the end
pub fn loadIntoDb(db: *Database, doc: xml.Doc) !void {
var ctx = Context{ .db = db };
defer ctx.deinit();
const root = try doc.getRootElement();
var module_it = root.iterate(&.{"modules"}, "module");
while ( |entry|
try loadModuleType(db, entry);
try loadModuleType(&ctx, entry);
var device_it = root.iterate(&.{"devices"}, "device");
while ( |entry|
try loadDevice(db, entry);
try loadDevice(&ctx, entry);
fn loadDevice(db: *Database, node: xml.Node) !void {
fn loadDevice(ctx: *Context, node: xml.Node) !void {
validateAttrs(node, &.{
@ -33,15 +57,17 @@ fn loadDevice(db: *Database, node: xml.Node) !void {
const id = db.createEntity();
errdefer db.destroyEntity(id);
log.debug("{}: creating device", .{id});
const name = node.getAttribute("name") orelse return error.NoDeviceName;
const arch = node.getAttribute("architecture") orelse return error.NoDeviceArch;
const family = node.getAttribute("family") orelse return error.NoDeviceFamily;
try db.instances.devices.put(db.gpa, id, .{});
try db.addName(id, name);
const db = ctx.db;
const id = try db.createDevice(.{
.name = name,
.arch = archFromStr(arch),
errdefer db.destroyEntity(id);
try db.addDeviceProperty(id, "arch", arch);
try db.addDeviceProperty(id, "family", family);
if (node.getAttribute("series")) |series|
@ -49,30 +75,84 @@ fn loadDevice(db: *Database, node: xml.Node) !void {
var module_it = node.iterate(&.{"peripherals"}, "module");
while ( |module_node|
loadModuleInstances(db, module_node, id) catch |err| {
loadModuleInstances(ctx, module_node, id) catch |err| {
log.warn("failed to instantiate module: {}", .{err});
var interrupt_it = node.iterate(&.{"interrupts"}, "interrupt");
while ( |interrupt_node|
try loadInterrupt(db, interrupt_node, id);
if (node.findChild("interrupts")) |interrupts_node|
try loadInterrupts(ctx, interrupts_node, id);
try inferPeripheralOffsets(db);
try inferEnumSizes(db);
try inferPeripheralOffsets(ctx);
try inferEnumSizes(ctx);
// TODO:
// address-space.memory-segment
// events.generators.generator
// events.users.user
// interfaces.interface.parameters.param
// TODO: This is capitalized for some reason :facepalm:
// interrupts.Interrupt
// interrupts.interrupt-group
// parameters.param
fn loadInterrupts(ctx: *Context, node: xml.Node, device_id: EntityId) !void {
var interrupt_it = node.iterate(&.{}, "interrupt");
while ( |interrupt_node|
try loadInterrupt(ctx, interrupt_node, device_id);
var interrupt_group_it = node.iterate(&.{}, "interrupt-group");
while ( |interrupt_group_node|
try loadInterruptGroup(ctx, interrupt_group_node, device_id);
fn loadInterruptGroup(ctx: *Context, node: xml.Node, device_id: EntityId) !void {
const db = ctx.db;
const module_instance = node.getAttribute("module-instance") orelse return error.MissingModuleInstance;
const name_in_module = node.getAttribute("name-in-module") orelse return error.MissingNameInModule;
const index_str = node.getAttribute("index") orelse return error.MissingInterruptGroupIndex;
const index = try std.fmt.parseInt(i32, index_str, 0);
if (ctx.interrupt_groups.get(name_in_module)) |group_list| {
for (group_list.items) |entry| {
const full_name = try std.mem.join(db.arena.allocator(), "_", &.{ module_instance, });
_ = try db.createInterrupt(device_id, .{
.name = full_name,
.index = entry.index + index,
.description = entry.description,
fn archFromStr(str: []const u8) Database.Arch {
return if (std.mem.eql(u8, "ARM926EJ-S", str))
else if (std.mem.eql(u8, "AVR8", str))
else if (std.mem.eql(u8, "AVR8L", str))
else if (std.mem.eql(u8, "AVR8X", str))
else if (std.mem.eql(u8, "AVR8_XMEGA", str))
else if (std.mem.eql(u8, "CORTEX-A5", str))
else if (std.mem.eql(u8, "CORTEX-A7", str))
else if (std.mem.eql(u8, "CORTEX-M0PLUS", str))
else if (std.mem.eql(u8, "CORTEX-M23", str))
else if (std.mem.eql(u8, "CORTEX-M4", str))
else if (std.mem.eql(u8, "CORTEX-M7", str))
else if (std.mem.eql(u8, "MIPS", str))
// This function is intended to normalize the struct layout of some peripheral
// instances. Like in ATmega328P there will be register groups with offset of 0
// and then the registers themselves have their absolute offset. We'd like to
@ -80,7 +160,8 @@ fn loadDevice(db: *Database, node: xml.Node) !void {
// the register group to the beginning of its registers (and adjust registers
// accordingly). This should make it easier to determine what register groups
// might be of the same "type".
fn inferPeripheralOffsets(db: *Database) !void {
fn inferPeripheralOffsets(ctx: *Context) !void {
const db = ctx.db;
// only infer the peripheral offset if there is only one instance for a given type.
var type_counts = std.AutoArrayHashMap(EntityId, struct { count: usize, instance_id: EntityId }).init(db.gpa);
defer type_counts.deinit();
@ -102,12 +183,13 @@ fn inferPeripheralOffsets(db: *Database) !void {
while ( |type_entry| if (type_entry.value_ptr.count == 1) {
const type_id = type_entry.key_ptr.*;
const instance_id = type_entry.value_ptr.instance_id;
inferPeripheralOffset(db, type_id, instance_id) catch |err|
inferPeripheralOffset(ctx, type_id, instance_id) catch |err|
log.warn("failed to infer peripheral instance offset: {}", .{err});
fn inferPeripheralOffset(db: *Database, type_id: EntityId, instance_id: EntityId) !void {
fn inferPeripheralOffset(ctx: *Context, type_id: EntityId, instance_id: EntityId) !void {
const db = ctx.db;
// TODO: assert that there's only one instance using this type
var min_offset: ?u64 = null;
@ -140,7 +222,8 @@ fn inferPeripheralOffset(db: *Database, type_id: EntityId, instance_id: EntityId
// for each enum in the database get its max value, each field that references
// it, and determine the size of the enum
fn inferEnumSizes(db: *Database) !void {
fn inferEnumSizes(ctx: *Context) !void {
const db = ctx.db;
var enum_it = db.types.enums.iterator();
while ( |entry| {
const enum_id = entry.key_ptr.*;
@ -226,7 +309,7 @@ fn getInlinedRegisterGroup(parent_node: xml.Node, parent_name: []const u8) ?xml.
// module instances are listed under atdf-tools-device-file.modules.
fn loadModuleType(db: *Database, node: xml.Node) !void {
fn loadModuleType(ctx: *Context, node: xml.Node) !void {
validateAttrs(node, &.{
@ -236,6 +319,7 @@ fn loadModuleType(db: *Database, node: xml.Node) !void {
const db = ctx.db;
const id = db.createEntity();
errdefer db.destroyEntity(id);
@ -249,49 +333,80 @@ fn loadModuleType(db: *Database, node: xml.Node) !void {
var value_group_it = node.iterate(&.{}, "value-group");
while ( |value_group_node|
try loadEnum(db, value_group_node, id);
try loadEnum(ctx, value_group_node, id);
var interrupt_group_it = node.iterate(&.{}, "interrupt-group");
while ( |interrupt_group_node|
try loadModuleInterruptGroup(ctx, interrupt_group_node);
// special case but the most common, if there is only one register
// group and it's name matches the peripheral, then inline the
// registers. This operation needs to be done in
// `loadModuleInstance()` as well
if (getInlinedRegisterGroup(node, name)) |register_group_node| {
try loadRegisterGroupChildren(db, register_group_node, id);
try loadRegisterGroupChildren(ctx, register_group_node, id);
} else {
var register_group_it = node.iterate(&.{}, "register-group");
while ( |register_group_node|
try loadRegisterGroup(db, register_group_node, id);
try loadRegisterGroup(ctx, register_group_node, id);
fn loadModuleInterruptGroup(ctx: *Context, node: xml.Node) !void {
const name = node.getAttribute("name") orelse return error.MissingInterruptGroupName;
try ctx.interrupt_groups.put(ctx.db.gpa, name, .{});
var interrupt_it = node.iterate(&.{}, "interrupt");
while ( |interrupt_node|
try loadModuleInterruptGroupEntry(ctx, interrupt_node, name);
// TODO: interrupt-group
fn loadModuleInterruptGroupEntry(
ctx: *Context,
node: xml.Node,
group_name: []const u8,
) !void {
const list = ctx.interrupt_groups.getEntry(group_name).?.value_ptr;
try list.append(ctx.db.gpa, .{
.name = node.getAttribute("name") orelse return error.MissingInterruptName,
.index = if (node.getAttribute("index")) |index_str|
try std.fmt.parseInt(i32, index_str, 0)
return error.MissingInterruptIndex,
.description = node.getAttribute("caption"),
fn loadRegisterGroupChildren(
db: *Database,
ctx: *Context,
node: xml.Node,
dest_id: EntityId,
) !void {
const db = ctx.db;
assert(db.entityIs("type.peripheral", dest_id) or
db.entityIs("type.register_group", dest_id));
var mode_it = node.iterate(&.{}, "mode");
while ( |mode_node|
loadMode(db, mode_node, dest_id) catch |err| {
loadMode(ctx, mode_node, dest_id) catch |err| {
log.err("{}: failed to load mode: {}", .{ dest_id, err });
var register_it = node.iterate(&.{}, "register");
while ( |register_node|
try loadRegister(db, register_node, dest_id);
try loadRegister(ctx, register_node, dest_id);
// loads a register group which is under a peripheral or under another
// register-group
fn loadRegisterGroup(
db: *Database,
ctx: *Context,
node: xml.Node,
parent_id: EntityId,
) !void {
const db = ctx.db;
assert(db.entityIs("type.peripheral", parent_id) or
db.entityIs("type.register_group", parent_id));
@ -332,14 +447,15 @@ fn loadRegisterGroup(
if (node.getAttribute("size")) |size|
try db.addSize(id, try std.fmt.parseInt(u64, size, 0));
try loadRegisterGroupChildren(db, node, id);
try loadRegisterGroupChildren(ctx, node, id);
// TODO: register-group
// connect with parent
try db.addChild("type.register_group", parent_id, id);
fn loadMode(db: *Database, node: xml.Node, parent_id: EntityId) !void {
fn loadMode(ctx: *Context, node: xml.Node, parent_id: EntityId) !void {
const db = ctx.db;
assert(db.entityIs("type.peripheral", parent_id) or
db.entityIs("type.register_group", parent_id) or
db.entityIs("type.register", parent_id));
@ -376,11 +492,12 @@ fn loadMode(db: *Database, node: xml.Node, parent_id: EntityId) !void {
// then we have our entry. If not found then the input is malformed.
// TODO: assert unique mode name
fn assignModesToEntity(
db: *Database,
ctx: *Context,
id: EntityId,
parent_id: EntityId,
mode_names: []const u8,
) !void {
const db = ctx.db;
var modes = Database.Modes{};
errdefer modes.deinit(db.gpa);
@ -426,10 +543,11 @@ fn assignModesToEntity(
fn loadRegister(
db: *Database,
ctx: *Context,
node: xml.Node,
parent_id: EntityId,
) !void {
const db = ctx.db;
assert(db.entityIs("type.register_group", parent_id) or
db.entityIs("type.peripheral", parent_id));
@ -468,7 +586,7 @@ fn loadRegister(
errdefer db.destroyEntity(id);
if (node.getAttribute("modes")) |modes|
assignModesToEntity(db, id, parent_id, modes) catch {
assignModesToEntity(ctx, id, parent_id, modes) catch {
log.warn("failed to find mode '{s}' for register '{s}'", .{
@ -495,16 +613,17 @@ fn loadRegister(
// assumes that modes are parsed before registers in the register group
var mode_it = node.iterate(&.{}, "mode");
while ( |mode_node|
loadMode(db, mode_node, id) catch |err| {
loadMode(ctx, mode_node, id) catch |err| {
log.err("{}: failed to load mode: {}", .{ id, err });
var field_it = node.iterate(&.{}, "bitfield");
while ( |field_node|
loadField(db, field_node, id) catch {};
loadField(ctx, field_node, id) catch {};
fn loadField(db: *Database, node: xml.Node, register_id: EntityId) !void {
fn loadField(ctx: *Context, node: xml.Node, register_id: EntityId) !void {
const db = ctx.db;
assert(db.entityIs("type.register", register_id));
validateAttrs(node, &.{
@ -553,7 +672,7 @@ fn loadField(db: *Database, node: xml.Node, register_id: EntityId) !void {
errdefer db.destroyEntity(id);
if (node.getAttribute("modes")) |modes|
assignModesToEntity(db, id, register_id, modes) catch {
assignModesToEntity(ctx, id, register_id, modes) catch {
log.warn("failed to find mode '{s}' for field '{s}'", .{
@ -588,7 +707,7 @@ fn loadField(db: *Database, node: xml.Node, register_id: EntityId) !void {
// TODO: modes are space delimited, and multiple can apply to a single bitfield or register
if (node.getAttribute("modes")) |modes|
assignModesToEntity(db, id, register_id, modes) catch {
assignModesToEntity(ctx, id, register_id, modes) catch {
log.warn("failed to find mode '{s}' for field '{s}'", .{
@ -636,10 +755,11 @@ fn accessFromString(str: []const u8) !Database.Access {
fn loadEnum(
db: *Database,
ctx: *Context,
node: xml.Node,
peripheral_id: EntityId,
) !void {
const db = ctx.db;
assert(db.entityIs("type.peripheral", peripheral_id));
validateAttrs(node, &.{
@ -659,16 +779,17 @@ fn loadEnum(
var value_it = node.iterate(&.{}, "value");
while ( |value_node|
loadEnumField(db, value_node, id) catch {};
loadEnumField(ctx, value_node, id) catch {};
try db.addChild("type.enum", peripheral_id, id);
fn loadEnumField(
db: *Database,
ctx: *Context,
node: xml.Node,
enum_id: EntityId,
) !void {
const db = ctx.db;
assert(db.entityIs("type.enum", enum_id));
validateAttrs(node, &.{
@ -705,10 +826,11 @@ fn loadEnumField(
// module instances are listed under atdf-tools-device-file.devices.device.peripherals
fn loadModuleInstances(
db: *Database,
ctx: *Context,
node: xml.Node,
device_id: EntityId,
) !void {
const db = ctx.db;
const module_name = node.getAttribute("name") orelse return error.MissingModuleName;
const type_id = blk: {
var periph_it = db.types.peripherals.iterator();
@ -726,7 +848,7 @@ fn loadModuleInstances(
var instance_it = node.iterate(&.{}, "instance");
while ( |instance_node|
try loadModuleInstance(db, instance_node, device_id, type_id);
try loadModuleInstance(ctx, instance_node, device_id, type_id);
fn peripheralIsInlined(db: Database, id: EntityId) bool {
@ -735,11 +857,12 @@ fn peripheralIsInlined(db: Database, id: EntityId) bool {
fn loadModuleInstance(
db: *Database,
ctx: *Context,
node: xml.Node,
device_id: EntityId,
peripheral_type_id: EntityId,
) !void {
const db = ctx.db;
assert(db.entityIs("type.peripheral", peripheral_type_id));
validateAttrs(node, &.{
@ -752,17 +875,18 @@ fn loadModuleInstance(
// that they're used as variants of a peripheral, and never used like
// clusters in SVD.
return if (peripheralIsInlined(db.*, peripheral_type_id))
loadModuleInstanceFromPeripheral(db, node, device_id, peripheral_type_id)
loadModuleInstanceFromPeripheral(ctx, node, device_id, peripheral_type_id)
loadModuleInstanceFromRegisterGroup(db, node, device_id, peripheral_type_id);
loadModuleInstanceFromRegisterGroup(ctx, node, device_id, peripheral_type_id);
fn loadModuleInstanceFromPeripheral(
db: *Database,
ctx: *Context,
node: xml.Node,
device_id: EntityId,
peripheral_type_id: EntityId,
) !void {
const db = ctx.db;
const id = db.createEntity();
errdefer db.destroyEntity(id);
@ -790,17 +914,18 @@ fn loadModuleInstanceFromPeripheral(
var signal_it = node.iterate(&.{"signals"}, "signal");
while ( |signal_node|
try loadSignal(db, signal_node, id);
try loadSignal(ctx, signal_node, id);
try db.addChild("instance.peripheral", device_id, id);
fn loadModuleInstanceFromRegisterGroup(
db: *Database,
ctx: *Context,
node: xml.Node,
device_id: EntityId,
peripheral_type_id: EntityId,
) !void {
const db = ctx.db;
const register_group_node = blk: {
var it = node.iterate(&.{}, "register-group");
const ret = orelse return error.MissingInstanceRegisterGroup;
@ -841,11 +966,12 @@ fn loadModuleInstanceFromRegisterGroup(
fn loadRegisterGroupInstance(
db: *Database,
ctx: *Context,
node: xml.Node,
peripheral_id: EntityId,
peripheral_type_id: EntityId,
) !void {
const db = ctx.db;
assert(db.entityIs("instance.peripheral", peripheral_id));
assert(db.entityIs("type.peripheral", peripheral_type_id));
validateAttrs(node, &.{
@ -908,7 +1034,8 @@ fn loadRegisterGroupInstance(
// "id": "optional",
fn loadSignal(db: *Database, node: xml.Node, peripheral_id: EntityId) !void {
fn loadSignal(ctx: *Context, node: xml.Node, peripheral_id: EntityId) !void {
const db = ctx.db;
assert(db.entityIs("instance.peripheral", peripheral_id));
validateAttrs(node, &.{
@ -923,7 +1050,8 @@ fn loadSignal(db: *Database, node: xml.Node, peripheral_id: EntityId) !void {
// TODO: there are fields like irq-index
fn loadInterrupt(db: *Database, node: xml.Node, device_id: EntityId) !void {
fn loadInterrupt(ctx: *Context, node: xml.Node, device_id: EntityId) !void {
const db = ctx.db;
assert(db.entityIs("instance.device", device_id));
validateAttrs(node, &.{
@ -938,9 +1066,6 @@ fn loadInterrupt(db: *Database, node: xml.Node, device_id: EntityId) !void {
const id = db.createEntity();
errdefer db.destroyEntity(id);
const name = node.getAttribute("name") orelse return error.MissingInterruptName;
const index_str = node.getAttribute("index") orelse return error.MissingInterruptIndex;
const index = std.fmt.parseInt(i32, index_str, 0) catch |err| {
@ -951,13 +1076,16 @@ fn loadInterrupt(db: *Database, node: xml.Node, device_id: EntityId) !void {
return err;
log.debug("{}: creating interrupt {}", .{ id, index });
try db.instances.interrupts.put(db.gpa, id, index);
try db.addName(id, name);
if (node.getAttribute("caption")) |caption|
try db.addDescription(id, caption);
const full_name = if (node.getAttribute("module-instance")) |module_instance|
try std.mem.join(db.arena.allocator(), "_", &.{ module_instance, name })
try db.addChild("instance.interrupt", device_id, id);
_ = try db.createInterrupt(device_id, .{
.name = full_name,
.index = index,
.description = node.getAttribute("caption"),
// for now just emit warning logs when the input has attributes that it shouldn't have
@ -1295,8 +1423,87 @@ test "atdf.instance of register group" {
try expectAttr(db, "offset", 0x0, pinb_id);
test "log2_int_ceil" {
try expectEqual(@as(u64, 6), std.math.log2_int(u64, 90));
try expectEqual(@as(u64, 7), std.math.log2_int(u64, 255));
try expectEqual(@as(u64, 8), std.math.log2_int(u64, 256));
test "atdf.interrupts" {
const text =
\\ <devices>
\\ <device name="ATmega328P" architecture="AVR8" family="megaAVR">
\\ <interrupts>
\\ <interrupt name="TEST_VECTOR1" index="1"/>
\\ <interrupt name="TEST_VECTOR2" index="5"/>
\\ </interrupts>
\\ </device>
\\ </devices>
var doc = try xml.Doc.fromMemory(text);
var db = try Database.initFromAtdf(std.testing.allocator, doc);
defer db.deinit();
const vector1_id = try db.getEntityIdByName("instance.interrupt", "TEST_VECTOR1");
try expectEqual(@as(i32, 1), db.instances.interrupts.get(vector1_id).?);
const vector2_id = try db.getEntityIdByName("instance.interrupt", "TEST_VECTOR2");
try expectEqual(@as(i32, 5), db.instances.interrupts.get(vector2_id).?);
test "atdf.interrupts with module-instance" {
const text =
\\ <devices>
\\ <device name="ATmega328P" architecture="AVR8" family="megaAVR">
\\ <interrupts>
\\ <interrupt index="1" module-instance="CRCSCAN" name="NMI"/>
\\ <interrupt index="2" module-instance="BOD" name="VLM"/>
\\ </interrupts>
\\ </device>
\\ </devices>
var doc = try xml.Doc.fromMemory(text);
var db = try Database.initFromAtdf(std.testing.allocator, doc);
defer db.deinit();
const crcscan_nmi_id = try db.getEntityIdByName("instance.interrupt", "CRCSCAN_NMI");
try expectEqual(@as(i32, 1), db.instances.interrupts.get(crcscan_nmi_id).?);
const bod_vlm_id = try db.getEntityIdByName("instance.interrupt", "BOD_VLM");
try expectEqual(@as(i32, 2), db.instances.interrupts.get(bod_vlm_id).?);
test "atdf.interrupts with interrupt-groups" {
const text =
\\ <devices>
\\ <device name="ATmega328P" architecture="AVR8" family="megaAVR">
\\ <interrupts>
\\ <interrupt-group index="1" module-instance="PORTB" name-in-module="PORT"/>
\\ </interrupts>
\\ </device>
\\ </devices>
\\ <modules>
\\ <module name="PORT">
\\ <interrupt-group name="PORT">
\\ <interrupt index="0" name="INT0"/>
\\ <interrupt index="1" name="INT1"/>
\\ </interrupt-group>
\\ </module>
\\ </modules>
var doc = try xml.Doc.fromMemory(text);
var db = try Database.initFromAtdf(std.testing.allocator, doc);
defer db.deinit();
const portb_int0_id = try db.getEntityIdByName("instance.interrupt", "PORTB_INT0");
try expectEqual(@as(i32, 1), db.instances.interrupts.get(portb_int0_id).?);
const portb_int1_id = try db.getEntityIdByName("instance.interrupt", "PORTB_INT1");
try expectEqual(@as(i32, 2), db.instances.interrupts.get(portb_int1_id).?);

@ -7,6 +7,9 @@ const Database = @import("Database.zig");
const EntityId = Database.EntityId;
const EntitySet = Database.EntitySet;
const arm = @import("gen/arm.zig");
const avr = @import("gen/avr.zig");
const log = std.log.scoped(.gen);
const EntityWithOffsetAndSize = struct {
@ -29,7 +32,11 @@ pub fn toZig(db: Database, out_writer: anytype) !void {
defer buffer.deinit();
const writer = buffer.writer();
try writer.writeAll("const mmio = @import(\"mmio\");\n");
try writer.writeAll(
\\const micro = @import("microzig");
\\const mmio = micro.mmio;
try writeDevices(db, writer);
try writeTypes(db, writer);
try writer.writeByte(0);
@ -67,7 +74,7 @@ fn writeDevices(db: Database, writer: anytype) !void {
try writer.writeAll("};\n");
fn writeComment(allocator: Allocator, comment: []const u8, writer: anytype) !void {
pub fn writeComment(allocator: Allocator, comment: []const u8, writer: anytype) !void {
var tokenized = std.ArrayList(u8).init(allocator);
defer tokenized.deinit();
@ -120,7 +127,8 @@ fn writeDevice(db: Database, device_id: EntityId, out_writer: anytype) !void {
// TODO: alphabetic order
const properties = db.instances.devices.get(device_id).?.properties;
if (properties.count() > 0) {
try writer.writeAll("pub const properties = struct {\n");
var it = properties.iterator();
while ( |entry| {
try writer.print("pub const {s} = ", .{
@ -131,10 +139,11 @@ fn writeDevice(db: Database, device_id: EntityId, out_writer: anytype) !void {
try writer.writeAll(";\n");
try writer.writeByte('\n');
try writer.writeAll("};\n\n");
// TODO: interrupts
writeVectorTable(db, device_id, writer) catch |err|
log.warn("failed to write vector table: {}", .{err});
if (db.children.peripherals.get(device_id)) |peripheral_set| {
var list = std.ArrayList(EntityWithOffset).init(db.gpa);
@ -148,10 +157,14 @@ fn writeDevice(db: Database, device_id: EntityId, out_writer: anytype) !void {
std.sort.sort(EntityWithOffset, list.items, {}, EntityWithOffset.lessThan);
try writer.writeAll("pub const peripherals = struct {\n");
for (list.items) |periph|
writePeripheralInstance(db,, periph.offset, writer) catch |err| {
log.warn("failed to serialize peripheral instance: {}", .{err});
try writer.writeAll("};\n");
try writer.writeAll("};\n");
@ -193,6 +206,30 @@ fn typesReference(db: Database, type_id: EntityId) ![]const u8 {
return full_name.toOwnedSlice();
fn writeVectorTable(
db: Database,
device_id: EntityId,
out_writer: anytype,
) !void {
assert(db.entityIs("instance.device", device_id));
var buffer = std.ArrayList(u8).init(db.arena.allocator());
defer buffer.deinit();
const writer = buffer.writer();
const arch = db.instances.devices.get(device_id).?.arch;
if (arch.isArm())
try arm.writeInterruptVector(db, device_id, writer)
else if (arch.isAvr())
try avr.writeInterruptVector(db, device_id, writer)
else if (arch == .unknown)
try out_writer.writeAll(buffer.items);
fn writePeripheralInstance(db: Database, instance_id: EntityId, offset: u64, out_writer: anytype) !void {
assert(db.entityIs("instance.peripheral", instance_id));
var buffer = std.ArrayList(u8).init(db.arena.allocator());
@ -832,7 +869,8 @@ test "gen.peripheral type with register and field" {
try db.toZig(buffer.writer());
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(
\\const mmio = @import("mmio");
\\const micro = @import("microzig");
\\const mmio = micro.mmio;
\\pub const types = struct {
\\ pub const TEST_PERIPHERAL = extern struct {
@ -880,11 +918,14 @@ test "gen.peripheral instantiation" {
try db.toZig(buffer.writer());
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(
\\const mmio = @import("mmio");
\\const micro = @import("microzig");
\\const mmio = micro.mmio;
\\pub const devices = struct {
\\ pub const TEST_DEVICE = struct {
\\ pub const TEST0 = @ptrCast(*volatile types.TEST_PERIPHERAL, 0x1000);
\\ pub const peripherals = struct {
\\ pub const TEST0 = @ptrCast(*volatile types.TEST_PERIPHERAL, 0x1000);
\\ };
\\ };
@ -932,12 +973,15 @@ test "gen.peripherals with a shared type" {
try db.toZig(buffer.writer());
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(
\\const mmio = @import("mmio");
\\const micro = @import("microzig");
\\const mmio = micro.mmio;
\\pub const devices = struct {
\\ pub const TEST_DEVICE = struct {
\\ pub const TEST0 = @ptrCast(*volatile types.TEST_PERIPHERAL, 0x1000);
\\ pub const TEST1 = @ptrCast(*volatile types.TEST_PERIPHERAL, 0x2000);
\\ pub const peripherals = struct {
\\ pub const TEST0 = @ptrCast(*volatile types.TEST_PERIPHERAL, 0x1000);
\\ pub const TEST1 = @ptrCast(*volatile types.TEST_PERIPHERAL, 0x2000);
\\ };
\\ };
@ -1007,7 +1051,8 @@ test "gen.peripheral with modes" {
try db.toZig(buffer.writer());
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(
\\const mmio = @import("mmio");
\\const micro = @import("microzig");
\\const mmio = micro.mmio;
\\pub const types = struct {
\\ pub const TEST_PERIPHERAL = extern union {
@ -1082,7 +1127,8 @@ test "gen.peripheral with enum" {
try db.toZig(buffer.writer());
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(
\\const mmio = @import("mmio");
\\const micro = @import("microzig");
\\const mmio = micro.mmio;
\\pub const types = struct {
\\ pub const TEST_PERIPHERAL = extern struct {
@ -1126,7 +1172,8 @@ test "gen.peripheral with enum, enum is exhausted of values" {
try db.toZig(buffer.writer());
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(
\\const mmio = @import("mmio");
\\const micro = @import("microzig");
\\const mmio = micro.mmio;
\\pub const types = struct {
\\ pub const TEST_PERIPHERAL = extern struct {
@ -1176,7 +1223,8 @@ test "gen.field with named enum" {
try db.toZig(buffer.writer());
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(
\\const mmio = @import("mmio");
\\const micro = @import("microzig");
\\const mmio = micro.mmio;
\\pub const types = struct {
\\ pub const TEST_PERIPHERAL = extern struct {
@ -1232,7 +1280,8 @@ test "gen.field with anonymous enum" {
try db.toZig(buffer.writer());
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(
\\const mmio = @import("mmio");
\\const micro = @import("microzig");
\\const mmio = micro.mmio;
\\pub const types = struct {
\\ pub const TEST_PERIPHERAL = extern struct {
@ -1286,12 +1335,15 @@ test "gen.namespaced register groups" {
try db.toZig(buffer.writer());
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(
\\const mmio = @import("mmio");
\\const micro = @import("microzig");
\\const mmio = micro.mmio;
\\pub const devices = struct {
\\ pub const ATmega328P = struct {
\\ pub const PORTB = @ptrCast(*volatile types.PORT.PORTB, 0x23);
\\ pub const PORTC = @ptrCast(*volatile types.PORT.PORTC, 0x26);
\\ pub const peripherals = struct {
\\ pub const PORTB = @ptrCast(*volatile types.PORT.PORTB, 0x23);
\\ pub const PORTC = @ptrCast(*volatile types.PORT.PORTC, 0x26);
\\ };
\\ };
@ -1339,11 +1391,14 @@ test "gen.peripheral with reserved register" {
try db.toZig(buffer.writer());
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(
\\const mmio = @import("mmio");
\\const micro = @import("microzig");
\\const mmio = micro.mmio;
\\pub const devices = struct {
\\ pub const ATmega328P = struct {
\\ pub const PORTB = @ptrCast(*volatile types.PORTB, 0x23);
\\ pub const peripherals = struct {
\\ pub const PORTB = @ptrCast(*volatile types.PORTB, 0x23);
\\ };
\\ };
@ -1384,11 +1439,14 @@ test "gen.peripheral with count" {
try db.toZig(buffer.writer());
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(
\\const mmio = @import("mmio");
\\const micro = @import("microzig");
\\const mmio = micro.mmio;
\\pub const devices = struct {
\\ pub const ATmega328P = struct {
\\ pub const PORTB = @ptrCast(*volatile [4]types.PORTB, 0x23);
\\ pub const peripherals = struct {
\\ pub const PORTB = @ptrCast(*volatile [4]types.PORTB, 0x23);
\\ };
\\ };
@ -1429,11 +1487,14 @@ test "gen.peripheral with count, padding required" {
try db.toZig(buffer.writer());
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(
\\const mmio = @import("mmio");
\\const micro = @import("microzig");
\\const mmio = micro.mmio;
\\pub const devices = struct {
\\ pub const ATmega328P = struct {
\\ pub const PORTB = @ptrCast(*volatile [4]types.PORTB, 0x23);
\\ pub const peripherals = struct {
\\ pub const PORTB = @ptrCast(*volatile [4]types.PORTB, 0x23);
\\ };
\\ };
@ -1473,11 +1534,14 @@ test "gen.register with count" {
try db.toZig(buffer.writer());
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(
\\const mmio = @import("mmio");
\\const micro = @import("microzig");
\\const mmio = micro.mmio;
\\pub const devices = struct {
\\ pub const ATmega328P = struct {
\\ pub const PORTB = @ptrCast(*volatile types.PORTB, 0x23);
\\ pub const peripherals = struct {
\\ pub const PORTB = @ptrCast(*volatile types.PORTB, 0x23);
\\ };
\\ };
@ -1528,11 +1592,14 @@ test "gen.register with count and fields" {
try db.toZig(buffer.writer());
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(
\\const mmio = @import("mmio");
\\const micro = @import("microzig");
\\const mmio = micro.mmio;
\\pub const devices = struct {
\\ pub const ATmega328P = struct {
\\ pub const PORTB = @ptrCast(*volatile types.PORTB, 0x23);
\\ pub const peripherals = struct {
\\ pub const PORTB = @ptrCast(*volatile types.PORTB, 0x23);
\\ };
\\ };
@ -1549,3 +1616,47 @@ test "gen.register with count and fields" {
, buffer.items);
test "gen.interrupts.avr" {
var db = try Database.init(std.testing.allocator);
defer db.deinit();
const device_id = try db.createDevice(.{
.name = "ATmega328P",
.arch = .avr8,
_ = try db.createInterrupt(device_id, .{
.name = "TEST_VECTOR1",
.index = 1,
_ = try db.createInterrupt(device_id, .{
.name = "TEST_VECTOR2",
.index = 3,
var buffer = std.ArrayList(u8).init(std.testing.allocator);
defer buffer.deinit();
try db.toZig(buffer.writer());
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(
\\const micro = @import("microzig");
\\const mmio = micro.mmio;
\\pub const devices = struct {
\\ pub const ATmega328P = struct {
\\ pub const VectorTable = extern struct {
\\ const Handler = micro.interrupt.Handler;
\\ const unhandled = micro.interrupt.unhandled;
\\ RESET: Handler = unhandled,
\\ TEST_VECTOR1: Handler = unhandled,
\\ reserved2: [1]u16 = undefined,
\\ TEST_VECTOR2: Handler = unhandled,
\\ };
\\ };
, buffer.items);

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
id: EntityId,
name: []const u8,
index: i32,
const InterruptWithIndexAndName = @This();
const EntityId = @import("../Database.zig").EntityId;
pub fn lessThan(
_: void,
lhs: InterruptWithIndexAndName,
rhs: InterruptWithIndexAndName,
) bool {
return lhs.index < rhs.index;

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
//! codegen specific to arm
const std = @import("std");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const Database = @import("../Database.zig");
const Arch = Database.Arch;
const EntityId = Database.EntityId;
const InterruptWithIndexAndName = @import("InterruptWithIndexAndName.zig");
const log = std.log.scoped(.@"gen.arm");
pub fn writeInterruptVector(
db: Database,
device_id: EntityId,
writer: anytype,
) !void {
assert(db.entityIs("instance.device", device_id));
const arch = db.instances.devices.get(device_id).?.arch;
log.warn("TODO: implement interrupt table for arch: {}", .{arch});
_ = writer;
//try writer.writeAll("pub const VectorTable = extern struct {\n");
// TODO: fill
//try writer.writeAll("};\n");
return error.Todo;

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
//! codegen specific to AVR
const std = @import("std");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const Database = @import("../Database.zig");
const Arch = Database.Arch;
const EntityId = Database.EntityId;
const gen = @import("../gen.zig");
const InterruptWithIndexAndName = @import("InterruptWithIndexAndName.zig");
const log = std.log.scoped(.@"gen.avr");
pub fn writeInterruptVector(
db: Database,
device_id: EntityId,
writer: anytype,
) !void {
assert(db.entityIs("instance.device", device_id));
const arch = db.instances.devices.get(device_id).?.arch;
try writer.writeAll(
\\pub const VectorTable = extern struct {
\\ const Handler = micro.interrupt.Handler;
\\ const unhandled = micro.interrupt.unhandled;
\\ RESET: Handler = unhandled,
if (db.children.interrupts.get(device_id)) |interrupt_set| {
var interrupts = std.ArrayList(InterruptWithIndexAndName).init(db.gpa);
defer interrupts.deinit();
var it = interrupt_set.iterator();
while ( |entry| {
const interrupt_id = entry.key_ptr.*;
const index = db.instances.interrupts.get(interrupt_id).?;
const name = orelse continue;
try interrupts.append(.{
.id = interrupt_id,
.name = name,
.index = index,
var index: i32 = 1;
var i: u32 = 0;
while (i < interrupts.items.len) : (i += 1) {
const interrupt = interrupts.items[i];
if (index < interrupt.index) {
try writer.print("reserved{}: [{}]u16 = undefined,\n", .{
interrupt.index - index,
index = interrupt.index;
} else if (index > interrupt.index) {
log.warn("skipping interrupt: {s}", .{});
if (db.attrs.description.get( |description|
try gen.writeComment(db.gpa, description, writer);
try writer.print("{s}: Handler = unhandled,\n", .{
index += 1;
try writer.writeAll("};\n\n");

@ -182,6 +182,9 @@ fn populateDevice(
const arch = db.instances.devices.get(id).?.arch;
try device.put("arch", .{ .String = arch.toString() });
if (properties.count() > 0)
try device.put("properties", .{ .Object = properties });

@ -47,7 +47,9 @@ pub fn loadIntoDb(db: *Database, doc: xml.Doc) !void {
const root = try doc.getRootElement();
const device_id = db.createEntity();
try db.instances.devices.put(db.gpa, device_id, .{});
try db.instances.devices.put(db.gpa, device_id, .{
.arch = .unknown,
const name = root.getValue("name") orelse return error.MissingDeviceName;
try db.addName(device_id, name);
@ -77,8 +79,10 @@ pub fn loadIntoDb(db: *Database, doc: xml.Doc) !void {
const nvic_prio_bits = cpu.getValue("nvicPrioBits") orelse return error.MissingNvicPrioBits;
const vendor_systick_config = cpu.getValue("vendorSystickConfig") orelse return error.MissingVendorSystickConfig;
db.instances.devices.getEntry(device_id).?.value_ptr.arch = archFromStr(cpu_name);
// cpu name => arch
try db.addDeviceProperty(device_id, "arch", cpu_name);
try db.addDeviceProperty(device_id, "", cpu_name);
try db.addDeviceProperty(device_id, "cpu.revision", cpu_revision);
try db.addDeviceProperty(device_id, "cpu.nvic_prio_bits", nvic_prio_bits);
try db.addDeviceProperty(device_id, "cpu.vendor_systick_config", vendor_systick_config);
@ -145,6 +149,61 @@ pub fn loadIntoDb(db: *Database, doc: xml.Doc) !void {
fn archFromStr(str: []const u8) Database.Arch {
return if (std.mem.eql(u8, "CM0", str))
else if (std.mem.eql(u8, "CM0PLUS", str))
else if (std.mem.eql(u8, "CM0+", str))
else if (std.mem.eql(u8, "CM1", str))
else if (std.mem.eql(u8, "SC000", str))
else if (std.mem.eql(u8, "CM23", str))
else if (std.mem.eql(u8, "CM3", str))
else if (std.mem.eql(u8, "CM33", str))
else if (std.mem.eql(u8, "CM35P", str))
else if (std.mem.eql(u8, "CM55", str))
else if (std.mem.eql(u8, "SC300", str))
else if (std.mem.eql(u8, "CM4", str))
else if (std.mem.eql(u8, "CM7", str))
else if (std.mem.eql(u8, "ARMV8MML", str))
else if (std.mem.eql(u8, "ARMV8MBL", str))
else if (std.mem.eql(u8, "ARMV81MML", str))
else if (std.mem.eql(u8, "CA5", str))
else if (std.mem.eql(u8, "CA7", str))
else if (std.mem.eql(u8, "CA8", str))
else if (std.mem.eql(u8, "CA9", str))
else if (std.mem.eql(u8, "CA15", str))
else if (std.mem.eql(u8, "CA17", str))
else if (std.mem.eql(u8, "CA53", str))
else if (std.mem.eql(u8, "CA57", str))
else if (std.mem.eql(u8, "CA72", str))
pub fn deriveEntity(db: Database, id: EntityId, derived_name: []const u8) !void {
log.debug("{}: derived from {s}", .{ id, derived_name });
const entity_type = db.getEntityType(id);
@ -220,6 +279,7 @@ pub fn loadPeripheral(ctx: *Context, node: xml.Node, device_id: EntityId) !void
fn loadPeripheralType(ctx: *Context, node: xml.Node) !EntityId {
const db = ctx.db;
// TODO: get version
const id = try db.createPeripheral(.{
.name = node.getValue("name") orelse return error.PeripheralMissingName,
@ -390,7 +450,13 @@ fn loadEnumeratedValue(ctx: *Context, node: xml.Node, enum_id: EntityId) !void {
assert(db.entityIs("type.enum", enum_id));
const id = try db.createEnumField(enum_id, .{
.name = node.getValue("name") orelse return error.EnumFieldMissingName,
.name = if (node.getValue("name")) |name|
if (std.mem.eql(u8, "_", name))
return error.InvalidEnumFieldName
return error.EnumFieldMissingName,
.description = node.getValue("description"),
.value = if (node.getValue("value")) |value_str|
try std.fmt.parseInt(u32, value_str, 0)
@ -416,7 +482,12 @@ pub const Revision = struct {
pub const Endian = enum { little, big, selectable, other };
pub const Endian = enum {
pub const DataType = enum {
@ -474,149 +545,6 @@ test "svd.Revision.parse" {
try expectError(error.InvalidCharacter, Revision.parse("rp2"));
//pub const CpuName = enum {
// cortex_m0,
// cortex_m0plus,
// cortex_m1,
// sc000, // kindof like an m3
// cortex_m23,
// cortex_m3,
// cortex_m33,
// cortex_m35p,
// cortex_m55,
// sc300,
// cortex_m4,
// cortex_m7,
// arm_v8_mml,
// arm_v8_mbl,
// arm_v81_mml,
// cortex_a5,
// cortex_a7,
// cortex_a8,
// cortex_a9,
// cortex_a15,
// cortex_a17,
// cortex_a53,
// cortex_a57,
// cortex_a72,
// // avr
// avr,
// other,
// // TODO: finish
// pub fn parse(str: []const u8) ?CpuName {
// return if (std.mem.eql(u8, "CM0", str))
// CpuName.cortex_m0
// else if (std.mem.eql(u8, "CM0PLUS", str))
// CpuName.cortex_m0plus
// else if (std.mem.eql(u8, "CM0+", str))
// CpuName.cortex_m0plus
// else if (std.mem.eql(u8, "CM1", str))
// CpuName.cortex_m1
// else if (std.mem.eql(u8, "SC000", str))
// CpuName.sc000
// else if (std.mem.eql(u8, "CM23", str))
// CpuName.cortex_m23
// else if (std.mem.eql(u8, "CM3", str))
// CpuName.cortex_m3
// else if (std.mem.eql(u8, "CM33", str))
// CpuName.cortex_m33
// else if (std.mem.eql(u8, "CM35P", str))
// CpuName.cortex_m35p
// else if (std.mem.eql(u8, "CM55", str))
// CpuName.cortex_m55
// else if (std.mem.eql(u8, "SC300", str))
// CpuName.sc300
// else if (std.mem.eql(u8, "CM4", str))
// CpuName.cortex_m4
// else if (std.mem.eql(u8, "CM7", str))
// CpuName.cortex_m7
// else if (std.mem.eql(u8, "AVR8", str))
// CpuName.avr
// else
// null;
// }
//pub const Endian = enum {
// little,
// big,
// selectable,
// other,
// pub fn parse(str: []const u8) !Endian {
// return if (std.meta.stringToEnum(Endian, str)) |val|
// val
// else
// error.UnknownEndianType;
// }
//pub const Cpu = struct {
// //name: ?CpuName,
// name: ?[]const u8,
// revision: []const u8,
// endian: Endian,
// mpu_present: bool,
// //fpu_present: bool,
// //fpu_dp: bool,
// //dsp_present: bool,
// //icache_present: bool,
// //dcache_present: bool,
// //itcm_present: bool,
// //dtcm_present: bool,
// vtor_present: bool,
// nvic_prio_bits: u8,
// vendor_systick_config: bool,
// device_num_interrupts: ?usize,
// //sau_num_regions: usize,
// pub fn parse(arena: *ArenaAllocator, nodes: *xml.Node) !Cpu {
// return Cpu{
// .name = if (xml.findValueForKey(nodes, "name")) |name| try arena.allocator().dupe(u8, name) else null,
// .revision = xml.findValueForKey(nodes, "revision") orelse unreachable,
// .endian = try Endian.parse(xml.findValueForKey(nodes, "endian") orelse unreachable),
// .nvic_prio_bits = if (xml.findValueForKey(nodes, "nvicPrioBits")) |nvic_prio_bits|
// try std.fmt.parseInt(u8, nvic_prio_bits, 0)
// else
// 0,
// // TODO: booleans
// .vendor_systick_config = (try xml.parseBoolean(arena.child_allocator, nodes, "vendorSystickConfig")) orelse false,
// .device_num_interrupts = if (xml.findValueForKey(nodes, "deviceNumInterrupts")) |size_str|
// try std.fmt.parseInt(usize, size_str, 0)
// else
// null,
// .vtor_present = (try xml.parseBoolean(arena.child_allocator, nodes, "vtorPresent")) orelse false,
// .mpu_present = (try xml.parseBoolean(arena.child_allocator, nodes, "mpuPresent")) orelse false,
// };
// }
//pub const Access = enum {
// read_only,
// write_only,
// read_write,
// writeonce,
// read_writeonce,
// pub fn parse(str: []const u8) !Access {
// return if (std.mem.eql(u8, "read-only", str))
// Access.read_only
// else if (std.mem.eql(u8, "write-only", str))
// Access.write_only
// else if (std.mem.eql(u8, "read-write", str))
// Access.read_write
// else if (std.mem.eql(u8, "writeOnce", str))
// Access.writeonce
// else if (std.mem.eql(u8, "read-writeOnce", str))
// Access.read_writeonce
// else
// error.UnknownAccessType;
// }
//pub fn parsePeripheral(arena: *ArenaAllocator, nodes: *xml.Node) !Peripheral {
// const allocator = arena.allocator();
// return Peripheral{
@ -744,64 +672,6 @@ const DimElements = struct {
//pub const Dimension = struct {
// dim: usize,
// increment: usize,
// /// a range of 0-index, only index is recorded
// index: ?Index,
// name: ?[]const u8,
// //array_index: ,
// const Index = union(enum) {
// num: usize,
// list: std.ArrayList([]const u8),
// };
// pub fn parse(arena: *ArenaAllocator, nodes: *xml.Node) !?Dimension {
// const allocator = arena.allocator();
// return Dimension{
// .dim = (try xml.parseIntForKey(usize, arena.child_allocator, nodes, "dim")) orelse return null,
// .increment = (try xml.parseIntForKey(usize, arena.child_allocator, nodes, "dimIncrement")) orelse return null,
// .index = if (xml.findValueForKey(nodes, "dimIndex")) |index_str|
// if (std.mem.indexOf(u8, index_str, ",") != null) blk: {
// var list = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(allocator);
// var it = std.mem.tokenize(u8, index_str, ",");
// var expected: usize = 0;
// while ( |token| : (expected += 1)
// try list.append(try allocator.dupe(u8, token));
// break :blk Index{
// .list = list,
// };
// } else blk: {
// var it = std.mem.tokenize(u8, index_str, "-");
// const begin = try std.fmt.parseInt(usize, orelse return error.InvalidDimIndex, 10);
// const end = try std.fmt.parseInt(usize, orelse return error.InvalidDimIndex, 10);
// if (begin == 0)
// break :blk Index{
// .num = end + 1,
// };
// var list = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(allocator);
// var i = begin;
// while (i <= end) : (i += 1)
// try list.append(try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "{}", .{i}));
// break :blk Index{
// .list = list,
// };
// }
// else
// null,
// .name = if (xml.findValueForKey(nodes, "dimName")) |name_str|
// try allocator.dupe(u8, name_str)
// else
// null,
// };
// }
const BitRange = struct {
offset: u64,
width: u64,
