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const std = @import("std");
const micro = @import("microzig.zig");
const chip = @import("chip");
pub fn I2CController(comptime index: usize, comptime pins: Pins) type {
const SystemI2CController = chip.I2CController(index, pins);
const I2CDevice = struct {
const Device = @This();
internal: SystemI2CController,
address: u7,
const Direction = enum { read, write };
fn Transfer(comptime direction: Direction) type {
return switch (direction) {
.read => struct {
const Self = @This();
state: SystemI2CController.ReadState,
pub const Reader =*Self, ReadError, readSome);
/// NOTE that some platforms, notably most (all?) STM32 microcontrollers,
/// allow only a single read call per transfer.
pub fn reader(self: *Self) Reader {
return Reader{ .context = self };
fn readSome(self: *Self, buffer: []u8) ReadError!usize {
try self.state.readNoEof(buffer);
return buffer.len;
/// STOP the transfer, invalidating this object.
pub fn stop(self: *Self) !void {
try self.state.stop();
/// RESTART to a new transfer, invalidating this object.
/// Note that some platforms set the repeated START condition
/// on the first read or write call.
pub fn restartTransfer(self: *Self, comptime new_direction: Direction) !Transfer(new_direction) {
return Transfer(direction){ .state = try self.state.restartTransfer(new_direction) };
.write => struct {
const Self = @This();
state: SystemI2CController.WriteState,
pub const Writer =*Self, WriteError, writeSome);
/// NOTE that some platforms, notably most (all?) STM32 microcontrollers,
/// will not immediately write all bytes, but postpone that
/// to the next write call, or to the stop() call.
pub fn writer(self: *Self) Writer {
return Writer{ .context = self };
fn writeSome(self: *Self, buffer: []const u8) WriteError!usize {
try self.state.writeAll(buffer);
return buffer.len;
/// STOP the transfer, invalidating this object.
pub fn stop(self: *Self) !void {
try self.state.stop();
/// RESTART to a new transfer, invalidating this object.
/// Note that some platforms set the repeated START condition
/// on the first read or write call.
pub fn restartTransfer(self: *Self, comptime new_direction: Direction) !Transfer(new_direction) {
return switch (new_direction) {
.read => Transfer(new_direction){ .state = try self.state.restartRead() },
.write => Transfer(new_direction){ .state = try self.state.restartWrite() },
/// START a new transfer.
/// Note that some platforms set the START condition
/// on the first read or write call.
pub fn startTransfer(self: Device, comptime direction: Direction) !Transfer(direction) {
return switch (direction) {
.read => Transfer(direction){ .state = try SystemI2CController.ReadState.start(self.address) },
.write => Transfer(direction){ .state = try SystemI2CController.WriteState.start(self.address) },
/// Shorthand for 'register-based' devices
pub fn writeRegister(self: Device, register_address: u8, byte: u8) ReadError!void {
try self.writeRegisters(register_address, &.{byte});
/// Shorthand for 'register-based' devices
pub fn writeRegisters(self: Device, register_address: u8, buffer: []u8) ReadError!void {
var wt = try self.startTransfer(.write);
defer wt.stop() catch {};
try wt.writer().writeByte(register_address);
try wt.writer().writeAll(buffer);
/// Shorthand for 'register-based' devices
pub fn readRegister(self: Device, register_address: u8) ReadError!u8 {
var buffer: [1]u8 = undefined;
try self.readRegisters(register_address, &buffer);
return buffer[0];
/// Shorthand for 'register-based' devices
pub fn readRegisters(self: Device, register_address: u8, buffer: []u8) ReadError!void {
var rt = write_and_restart: {
var wt = try self.startTransfer(.write);
errdefer wt.stop() catch {};
try wt.writer().writeByte(1 << 7 | register_address); // MSB == 'keep sending until I STOP'
break :write_and_restart try wt.restartTransfer(.read);
defer rt.stop() catch {};
try rt.reader().readNoEof(buffer);
return struct {
const Self = @This();
internal: SystemI2CController,
pub fn init(config: Config) InitError!Self {
return Self{
.internal = try SystemI2CController.init(config),
pub fn device(self: Self, address: u7) I2CDevice {
return I2CDevice{ .internal = self.internal, .address = address };
/// The pin configuration. This is used to optionally configure specific pins to be used with the chosen I2C.
/// This makes sense only with microcontrollers supporting multiple pins for an I2C peripheral.
pub const Pins = struct {
scl: ?type = null,
sda: ?type = null,
/// An I2C configuration.
pub const Config = struct {
/// The target speed in bit/s. Note that the actual speed can differ from this, due to prescaler rounding.
target_speed: u32,
pub const InitError = error{
pub const WriteError = error{};
pub const ReadError = error{