const std = @import("std"); const microzig = @import("microzig"); const root = @import("root"); pub const StatusRegister = enum(u8) { // machine information mvendorid, marchid, mimpid, mhartid, // machine trap setup mstatus, misa, mtvec, }; pub inline fn setStatusBit(comptime reg: StatusRegister, bits: u32) void { asm volatile ("csrrs zero, " ++ @tagName(reg) ++ ", %[value]" : : [value] "r" (bits), ); } pub inline fn clearStatusBit(comptime reg: StatusRegister, bits: u32) void { asm volatile ("csrrc zero, " ++ @tagName(reg) ++ ", %[value]" : : [value] "r" (bits), ); } pub inline fn disable_interrupts() void { clearStatusBit(.mstatus, 0x08); } pub inline fn enable_interrupts() void { setStatusBit(.mstatus, 0x08); } pub const startup_logic = struct { comptime { // See this: // // Direct Boot: does not support Security Boot and programs run directly in flash. To enable this mode, make // sure that the first two words of the bin file downloading to flash (address: 0x42000000) are 0xaedb041d. // In this case, the ROM bootloader sets up Flash MMU to map 4 MB of Flash to // addresses 0x42000000 (for code execution) and 0x3C000000 (for read-only data // access). The bootloader then jumps to address 0x42000008, i.e. to the // instruction at offset 8 in flash, immediately after the magic numbers. asm ( \\.extern _start \\.section microzig_flash_start \\.align 4 \\.byte 0x1d, 0x04, 0xdb, 0xae \\.byte 0x1d, 0x04, 0xdb, 0xae ); } extern fn microzig_main() noreturn; export fn _start() linksection("microzig_flash_start") callconv(.C) noreturn { microzig.cpu.disable_interrupts(); asm volatile ("mv sp, %[eos]" : : [eos] "r" (@as(u32, microzig.config.end_of_stack)), ); asm volatile ("la gp, __global_pointer$"); microzig.cpu.setStatusBit(.mtvec, microzig.config.end_of_stack); root.initialize_system_memories(); microzig_main(); } export fn _rv32_trap() callconv(.C) noreturn { while (true) {} } const vector_table = [_]fn () callconv(.C) noreturn{ _rv32_trap, _rv32_trap, _rv32_trap, _rv32_trap, _rv32_trap, _rv32_trap, _rv32_trap, _rv32_trap, _rv32_trap, _rv32_trap, _rv32_trap, _rv32_trap, _rv32_trap, _rv32_trap, _rv32_trap, _rv32_trap, _rv32_trap, _rv32_trap, _rv32_trap, _rv32_trap, _rv32_trap, }; };