# zlib build package [![build](https://github.com/mattnite/zig-zlib/actions/workflows/build.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/mattnite/zig-zlib/actions/workflows/build.yml) ## Like this project? If you like this project or other works of mine, please consider [donating to or sponsoring me](https://github.com/sponsors/mattnite) on Github [:heart:](https://github.com/sponsors/mattnite) ## How to use This repo contains code for your `build.zig` that can statically compile zlib, as well as some idiomatic Zig bindings for zlib that you can use in your application. In either case below you will be able to include zlibs header with: ```zig const c = @cImport({ @cInclude("zlib.h"); }); ``` ### Link and add bindings to your application In order to statically link zlib into your application and access the bindings with a configurable import string: ```zig const zlib = @import("path/to/zlib.zig"); pub fn build(b: *std.build.Builder) void { // ... const lib = zlib.create(b, target, mode); const exe = b.addExecutable("my-program", "src/main.zig"); lib.link(exe, .{ .import_name = "zlib" }); } ``` Now code that is part of the `my-program` executable can import the zlib bindings with `@import("zlib")`. ### Only link to your application In order to just link to the application, all you need to do is omit the `.import_name = "zlib"` argument to zlib's link options: ```zig lib.link(exe, .{}); ```