#!/usr/bin/env python import libxml2 import sys ARG = 'test string' class ErrorHandler: def __init__(self): self.errors = [] def handler(self, msg, data): if data != ARG: raise Exception("Error handler did not receive correct argument") self.errors.append(msg) # Memory debug specific libxml2.debugMemory(1) schema=""" A foo element. """ valid=""" """ invalid=""" bad""" rngp = libxml2.relaxNGNewMemParserCtxt(schema, len(schema)) rngs = rngp.relaxNGParse() ctxt = rngs.relaxNGNewValidCtxt() e = ErrorHandler() ctxt.setValidityErrorHandler(e.handler, e.handler, ARG) # Test valid document doc = libxml2.parseDoc(valid) ret = doc.relaxNGValidateDoc(ctxt) if ret != 0 or e.errors: print("error doing RelaxNG validation") sys.exit(1) doc.freeDoc() # Test invalid document doc = libxml2.parseDoc(invalid) ret = doc.relaxNGValidateDoc(ctxt) if ret == 0 or not e.errors: print("Error: document supposed to be RelaxNG invalid") sys.exit(1) doc.freeDoc() del rngp del rngs del ctxt libxml2.relaxNGCleanupTypes() # Memory debug specific libxml2.cleanupParser() if libxml2.debugMemory(1) == 0: print("OK") else: print("Memory leak %d bytes" % (libxml2.debugMemory(1))) libxml2.dumpMemory()