const std = @import("std"); const Build = std.Build; const MicroZig = @import("microzig/build"); const Target = MicroZig.Target; const Firmware = MicroZig.Firmware; fn root() []const u8 { return comptime (std.fs.path.dirname(@src().file) orelse "."); } const build_root = root(); pub fn build(b: *Build) !void { const unit_tests = b.addTest(.{ .root_source_file = b.path("src/hal.zig"), }); unit_tests.addIncludePath(b.path("src/hal/pio/assembler")); const unit_tests_run = b.addRunArtifact(unit_tests); const test_step = b.step("test", "Run platform agnostic unit tests"); test_step.dependOn(&unit_tests_run.step); } pub const chips = struct { // Note: This chip has no flash support defined and requires additional configuration! pub const rp2040 = Target{ .preferred_format = .{ .uf2 = .RP2040 }, .chip = chip, .hal = hal, .board = null, .linker_script = linker_script, }; }; pub const boards = struct { pub const raspberrypi = struct { pub const pico = Target{ .preferred_format = .{ .uf2 = .RP2040 }, .chip = chip, .hal = hal, .linker_script = linker_script, .board = .{ .name = "RaspberryPi Pico", .root_source_file = .{ .cwd_relative = build_root ++ "/src/boards/raspberry_pi_pico.zig" }, .url = "", }, .configure = rp2040_configure(.w25q080), }; }; pub const waveshare = struct { pub const rp2040_plus_4m = Target{ .preferred_format = .{ .uf2 = .RP2040 }, .chip = chip, .hal = hal, .linker_script = linker_script, .board = .{ .name = "Waveshare RP2040-Plus (4M Flash)", .root_source_file = .{ .cwd_relative = build_root ++ "/src/boards/waveshare_rp2040_plus_4m.zig" }, .url = "", }, .configure = rp2040_configure(.w25q080), }; pub const rp2040_plus_16m = Target{ .preferred_format = .{ .uf2 = .RP2040 }, .chip = chip, .hal = hal, .linker_script = linker_script, .board = .{ .name = "Waveshare RP2040-Plus (16M Flash)", .root_source_file = .{ .cwd_relative = build_root ++ "/src/boards/waveshare_rp2040_plus_16m.zig" }, .url = "", }, .configure = rp2040_configure(.w25q080), }; pub const rp2040_eth = Target{ .preferred_format = .{ .uf2 = .RP2040 }, .chip = chip, .hal = hal, .linker_script = linker_script, .board = .{ .name = "Waveshare RP2040-ETH Mini", .root_source_file = .{ .cwd_relative = build_root ++ "/src/boards/waveshare_rp2040_eth.zig" }, .url = "", }, .configure = rp2040_configure(.w25q080), }; pub const rp2040_matrix = Target{ .preferred_format = .{ .uf2 = .RP2040 }, .chip = chip, .hal = hal, .linker_script = linker_script, .board = .{ .name = "Waveshare RP2040-Matrix", .root_source_file = .{ .cwd_relative = build_root ++ "/src/boards/waveshare_rp2040_matrix.zig" }, .url = "", }, .configure = rp2040_configure(.w25q080), }; }; }; pub const BootROM = union(enum) { artifact: *Build.Step.Compile, // provide a custom startup code blob: Build.LazyPath, // just include a binary blob // Pre-shipped ones: at25sf128a, generic_03h, is25lp080, w25q080, w25x10cl, // Use the old stage2 bootloader vendored with MicroZig till 2023-09-13 legacy, }; const linker_script = .{ .cwd_relative = build_root ++ "/rp2040.ld", }; const hal = .{ .root_source_file = .{ .cwd_relative = build_root ++ "/src/hal.zig" }, }; const chip = .{ .name = "RP2040", .url = "", .cpu = MicroZig.cpus.cortex_m0plus, .register_definition = .{ .svd = .{ .cwd_relative = build_root ++ "/src/chips/rp2040.svd" }, }, .memory_regions = &.{ .{ .kind = .flash, .offset = 0x10000100, .length = (2048 * 1024) - 256 }, .{ .kind = .flash, .offset = 0x10000000, .length = 256 }, .{ .kind = .ram, .offset = 0x20000000, .length = 256 * 1024 }, }, }; /// Returns a configuration function that will add the provided `BootROM` to the firmware. pub fn rp2040_configure(comptime bootrom: BootROM) *const fn (mz: *MicroZig, *Firmware) void { const T = struct { fn configure(mz: *MicroZig, fw: *Firmware) void { const bootrom_file = get_bootrom(mz, bootrom); // HACK: Inject the file as a dependency to MicroZig.board fw.modules.board.?.addImport( "bootloader", mz.host_build.createModule(.{ .root_source_file = bootrom_file.bin, }), ); // TODO: is this required? bootrom_file.bin.addStepDependencies(&fw.artifact.step); } }; return T.configure; } pub const Stage2Bootloader = struct { bin: Build.LazyPath, elf: ?Build.LazyPath, }; pub fn get_bootrom(mz: *MicroZig, rom: BootROM) Stage2Bootloader { const rom_exe = switch (rom) { .artifact => |artifact| artifact, .blob => |blob| return Stage2Bootloader{ .bin = blob, .elf = null, }, else => blk: { var target =; target.abi = .eabi; const rom_path = mz.host_build.pathFromRoot(mz.host_build.fmt("{s}/src/bootroms/{s}.S", .{ build_root, @tagName(rom) })); const rom_exe = mz.host_build.addExecutable(.{ .name = mz.host_build.fmt("stage2-{s}", .{@tagName(rom)}), .optimize = .ReleaseSmall, .target = mz.host_build.resolveTargetQuery(target), .root_source_file = null, }); //rom_exe.linkage = .static; rom_exe.setLinkerScript(.{ .cwd_relative = build_root ++ "/src/bootroms/shared/stage2.ld" }); rom_exe.addAssemblyFile(.{ .cwd_relative = rom_path }); rom_exe.entry = .{ .symbol_name = "_stage2_boot" }; break :blk rom_exe; }, }; const rom_objcopy = mz.host_build.addObjCopy(rom_exe.getEmittedBin(), .{ .basename = mz.host_build.fmt("{s}.bin", .{@tagName(rom)}), .format = .bin, }); return Stage2Bootloader{ .bin = rom_objcopy.getOutput(), .elf = rom_exe.getEmittedBin(), }; }