const std = @import("std"); const MicroZig = @import("microzig/build"); fn path(comptime suffix: []const u8) std.Build.LazyPath { return .{ .cwd_relative = comptime ((std.fs.path.dirname(@src().file) orelse ".") ++ suffix), }; } const hal = .{ .root_source_file = path("/src/hals/LPC176x5x.zig"), }; pub const chips = struct { pub const lpc176x5x = MicroZig.Target{ .preferred_format = .elf, .chip = .{ // TODO: Separate over those chips, this is not generic! .name = "LPC176x5x", .cpu = MicroZig.cpus.cortex_m3, .memory_regions = &.{ .{ .offset = 0x00000000, .length = 512 * 1024, .kind = .flash }, .{ .offset = 0x10000000, .length = 32 * 1024, .kind = .ram }, .{ .offset = 0x2007C000, .length = 32 * 1024, .kind = .ram }, }, .register_definition = .{ .json = path("/src/chips/LPC176x5x.json"), }, }, .hal = hal, .binary_post_process = postprocess, }; }; pub const boards = struct { pub const mbed = struct { pub const lpc1768 = MicroZig.Target{ .preferred_format = .hex, .chip = chips.lpc176x5x.chip, .hal = hal, .board = .{ .name = "mbed LPC1768", .url = "", .root_source_file = path("/src/boards/mbed_LPC1768.zig"), }, .binary_post_process = postprocess, }; }; }; /// Post-processes an ELF file to add a checksum over the first 8 words so the /// cpu will properly boot. fn postprocess(b: *std.Build, input: std.Build.LazyPath) std.Build.LazyPath { const patchelf = b.addExecutable(.{ .name = "lpc176x5x-patchelf", .root_source_file = path("/src/tools/patchelf.zig"), .target =, }); const patch = b.addRunArtifact(patchelf); patch.addFileArg(input); return patch.addOutputFileArg("firmware.elf"); } pub fn build(b: *std.Build) void { _ = b.step("test", "Run platform agnostic unit tests"); }