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const std = @import("std");
const microzig = @import("microzig");
const chip = microzig.chip;
// LED-1: P1.18
// LED-2: P1.20
// LED-3: P1.21
// LED-4: P1.23
const conn = chip.peripherals.PINCONNECT;
const gpio: *volatile [5]PatchedGpio = @ptrCast(@alignCast(chip.peripherals.GPIO));
const led_mask = [4]u32{
(1 << 18),
(1 << 20),
(1 << 21),
(1 << 23),
const all_mask = led_mask[0] | led_mask[1] | led_mask[2] | led_mask[3];
pub fn main() !void {
.P1_18 = .{ .value = .GPIO_P1 },
.P1_20 = .{ .value = .GPIO_P1 },
.P1_21 = .{ .value = .GPIO_P1 },
.P1_23 = .{ .value = .GPIO_P1 },
const p1 = &gpio[1];
p1.dir = all_mask;
while (true) {
for (led_mask) |mask| {
p1.pin_clr = (all_mask & ~mask);
p1.pin_set = mask;
const PatchedGpio = extern struct {
dir: u32, // 0x2009 C000
__padding0: u32, // 0x2009 C004
__padding1: u32, // 0x2009 C008
__padding2: u32, // 0x2009 C00C
mask: u32, // 0x2009 C010
pin: u32, // 0x2009 C014
pin_set: u32, // 0x2009 C018
pin_clr: u32, // 0x2009 C01C
comptime {
std.debug.assert(@sizeOf(PatchedGpio) == 0x20);