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2 years ago
const std = @import("std");
fn path(comptime suffix: []const u8) std.Build.LazyPath {
return .{
.cwd_relative = comptime ((std.fs.path.dirname(@src().file) orelse ".") ++ suffix),
2 years ago
const hal = .{
.source_file = path("/src/hals/GD32VF103.zig"),
pub const chips = struct {
pub const gd32vf103xb = .{
.preferred_format = .elf,
.chip = .{
.name = "GD32VF103",
.cpu = .riscv32_imac,
.memory_regions = &.{
.{ .offset = 0x08000000, .length = 128 * 1024, .kind = .flash },
.{ .offset = 0x20000000, .length = 32 * 1024, .kind = .ram },
.register_definition = .{
.json = path("/src/chips/GD32VF103.json"),
.hal = hal,
pub const gd32vf103x8 = .{
.preferred_format = .elf,
.chip = .{
.name = "GD32VF103",
.cpu = .riscv32_imac,
.memory_regions = &.{
.{ .offset = 0x08000000, .length = 64 * 1024, .kind = .flash },
.{ .offset = 0x20000000, .length = 20 * 1024, .kind = .ram },
.register_definition = .{
.json = path("/src/chips/GD32VF103.json"),
.hal = hal,
pub const boards = struct {
pub const sipeed = struct {
pub const longan_nano = .{
.preferred_format = .elf,
.chip = chips.gd32vf103xb.chip,
.hal = hal,
.board = .{
.name = "Longan Nano",
.url = "",
.source_file = path("/src/boards/longan_nano.zig"),
pub fn build(b: * void {
_ = b;
// const optimize = b.standardOptimizeOption(.{});
// inline for (@typeInfo(boards).Struct.decls) |decl| {
// if (!decl.is_pub)
// continue;
// const exe = microzig.addEmbeddedExecutable(b, .{
// .name = @field(boards, ++ ".minimal",
// .source_file = .{
// .path = "test/programs/minimal.zig",
// },
// .backing = .{ .board = @field(boards, },
// .optimize = optimize,
// });
// exe.installArtifact(b);
// }
// inline for (@typeInfo(chips).Struct.decls) |decl| {
// if (!decl.is_pub)
// continue;
// const exe = microzig.addEmbeddedExecutable(b, .{
// .name = @field(chips, ++ ".minimal",
// .source_file = .{
// .path = "test/programs/minimal.zig",
// },
// .backing = .{ .chip = @field(chips, },
// .optimize = optimize,
// });
// exe.installArtifact(b);
// }
2 years ago